Populating Multi Reference Fields in Webflow

Populating Multi Reference Fields in Webflow

connor finlayson
Connor Finlayson
January 5, 2021

Code snippet for the custom request step




Formula for adjusting Airtable Item ID

"\""&{Webflow Item ID}&"\""

Today I am breaking down how you can automate the process of populating the multi-reference field inside of Webflow using Airtable and Zapier. This tutorial is quite advanced, however, anyone who uses Webflow as their CMS and Airtable as their database is likely to come across use cases where they need to automatically add tags or categories to Webflow item. In this tutorial, I break down how this workflow works.Code Snippets:https://www.connorfinlayson.com/youtu...

Webflow API:https://developers.webflow.com/


00:00 Intro

01:12 How to use Multi Reference Fields in Webflow

02:48 Adding Multi Reference Items to your item page

04:28 Setting up Airtable for Multi Reference Fields

05:42 Zapping an Airtable Item to Webflow

07:37 Zapping Multi References Items to Webflow

09:41 Modifying the Airtable Item ID Array