7 Tips & Tricks for using the Webflow CMS

7 Tips & Tricks for using the Webflow CMS

connor finlayson
Connor Finlayson
March 9, 2021

In this video I share with you 7 litte tricks on how to take the Webflow CMS further than you ever have. This video is part of my MVMP program where I teach you how to use tools like Webflow, Airtable, Parabola and more to build online marketplaces.

Learn more about the MVMP program here:https://www.connorfinlayson.com/mvmp-...


00:00 Intro

02:00 How to create custom page titles, SEO titles and descriptions

03:13 How to apply filters to your collection lists

04:00 How to sort collection items on your listing pages

04:40 How to add special badges to your preview cards

06:00 Two different ways to add collection lists to your profile page

07:27 How to nest collection lists inside of your collection item