Mapping every Webflow CMS field in Zapier or Integromat | Webflow CMS Automations Part 2

Mapping every Webflow CMS field in Zapier or Integromat | Webflow CMS Automations Part 2

connor finlayson
Connor Finlayson
February 18, 2022

In this video, we are going to go over all of the available field types in the Webflow CMS and go over how to map values that sit inside of your database to Webflow. We will also go over some limitations that you are going to run into with the Webflow CMS.


00:00 Intro

01:20 Setting up the Webflow Collection w/every field type

03:30 Setting up the Airtable table

05:05 Plain text

05:25 Single Image Field

06:30 Video, URL, Email, Phone Numbers, Numbers

07:30 Date/Time field

08:00 Switches

08:30 Color field

09:14 Option field

10:00 File field

13:20 Updating the Airtable Record

15:20 Rich Text field

18:30 Test your workflow