How (and why) to use output.set in Airtable Automations

How (and why) to use output.set in Airtable Automations

connor finlayson
Connor Finlayson
October 15, 2022

Why use Airtable Automations?

Airtable Automations is a great alternative to tools like Zapier or make.com. The only downside at the moment is that Airtable Automations doesn't have a lot of native integrations with tools that you might want to integrate with.

That is where using Airtable scripts inside of automation comes into play.

How it works and use cases

Adding your script between your trigger and native Airtable action steps

Setting up your workflows inside of Airtable Automations will be familiar to anyone who has set up a workflow before. You simply define your trigger like "When a record is created", "When a record matches a condition" or whatever else is more suitable to your use case.

From there you can add as many action steps as as you want including our scripting step. You can also add native integrations that available in Airtable like "Posting a tweet" or "Sending an email".

How to store API responses for future steps

If you do end up making an API call with the scripting step, you might want to use reuse variables that you can from an API response. For example, if you create a Webflow item, you might want to store the Webflow ID and Slug in your Airtable base. In order to do that you will need to use the output.set to define each variable you want to store.

To try this out yourself, simply copy and paste the code snippet below after you run your API call in Webflow.